Thursday, October 30, 2008
Man and Woman Equals Brother and Sister or Father and Daughter or Mother and Son!
The Knights of Columbus may have really screwed up this time. Writing law is very complex. You must write it in the negative.. If you write it in the positive then it can be viewed very widely, The proposed change in the California constitution will read, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Previous to this, marriage was not really defined. Now, with such a narrow definition, blood relatives may marry. Since the marriage laws only say "cousins may marry" and does not touch on direct blood relatives this change in the constitution will allow someone to marry a person in their immediate family.
I know, it seems odd to blog about a conversation. But when you realize what our conversation was about then you might understand.
First, I should explain who Lanire is. A retired short-haul truck driver who retired after 45 years on the job - That's right! 45 years! He is black and has had many many children and has grand children. Lanire is very aware of the civil rights era and he's also very much involved with his church. He's an all around nice guy who is very liberal on his views.
The following conversation is not verbatim but it is surely what was discussed about proposition 8 in California. Proposition 8 changes the California Constitution to say "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." I am voting "NO" and I asked Lanire what he thought about it.
Lanire: Is that the marriage one? I'm voting yes.
Me: Why would you vote "yes"? Do you support marriage between brother and sister?
Lanire: Of course not, I'm voting "yes"
Me: Well you know that laws are written in the negative as in "shall not" or "may not" or "will not" because if you put in the constitution what is allowed then it can be looked at in a broader sense. They want to amend the constitution to say, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." but they don't limit it to "those who are not related" so if you vote yes that means you support marriage between brother and sister or mother and son or father and daughter.
Lanire: I do not!
Me: Well you do support incest and marriage if you vote yes on 8.
Lanire: But I have to follow the bible and the bible says that men with men is an abomination.
Me: Well the bible says that you should not force your beliefs on others and that they have to come over to Christianity on their own and that forcing youur beliefs on someone else is sinful. So if you vote yes on prop 8 then you're going against the bible.
Lanire: But the government is telling me what to believe and I want to stop that... I believe in separation of church and state. The government should not tell me or my church what I can or cannot do.
Me: But if you vote yes on 8, that's what you are asking for.
Lanire: It is not!
Me: Suppose a church wants to marry two men or two women but the government says "no". Wouldn't that be the government telling a church what it can or cannot do?
Lanire: I'm black and can't stand the government taking away my rights or treating me like a second class citizen. My beliefs are sacred to me.
Me: You're right and I'm sure you remember the 60's and what we all fought for. They wanted to stop whites and blacks from marrying in some states, wasn't that horrible?
Lanire: Damn straight, unconscionable.
Me: Yet you want to do the same thing.
Lanire: No I don't!
Me: But if you forbid someone who loves each other from marrying just because of a physical characteristic that's exactly what you are doing. You're taking away the word black and inserting the word gay and trying to pass a law that continues discrimination!
Lanire: But marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman.
Me: Lanire, let's recap. You are a black, churchgoing man who believes in the rights of the individual and believe in the church. Yet, first, you want to allow marriage between a brother and sister. Second, you want to install discrimination into the California Constitution. Third, you want to allow the government to tell the church what it can or cannot do. And fourth, you want to go against the bible and force your beliefs on everyone when the bible clearly states that you're not supposed to.
Lanire: But if you let gays marry then why not brother and sister?
Me: And that's how we started this conversation.
First, I should explain who Lanire is. A retired short-haul truck driver who retired after 45 years on the job - That's right! 45 years! He is black and has had many many children and has grand children. Lanire is very aware of the civil rights era and he's also very much involved with his church. He's an all around nice guy who is very liberal on his views.
The following conversation is not verbatim but it is surely what was discussed about proposition 8 in California. Proposition 8 changes the California Constitution to say "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." I am voting "NO" and I asked Lanire what he thought about it.
Lanire: Is that the marriage one? I'm voting yes.
Me: Why would you vote "yes"? Do you support marriage between brother and sister?
Lanire: Of course not, I'm voting "yes"
Me: Well you know that laws are written in the negative as in "shall not" or "may not" or "will not" because if you put in the constitution what is allowed then it can be looked at in a broader sense. They want to amend the constitution to say, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." but they don't limit it to "those who are not related" so if you vote yes that means you support marriage between brother and sister or mother and son or father and daughter.
Lanire: I do not!
Me: Well you do support incest and marriage if you vote yes on 8.
Lanire: But I have to follow the bible and the bible says that men with men is an abomination.
Me: Well the bible says that you should not force your beliefs on others and that they have to come over to Christianity on their own and that forcing youur beliefs on someone else is sinful. So if you vote yes on prop 8 then you're going against the bible.
Lanire: But the government is telling me what to believe and I want to stop that... I believe in separation of church and state. The government should not tell me or my church what I can or cannot do.
Me: But if you vote yes on 8, that's what you are asking for.
Lanire: It is not!
Me: Suppose a church wants to marry two men or two women but the government says "no". Wouldn't that be the government telling a church what it can or cannot do?
Lanire: I'm black and can't stand the government taking away my rights or treating me like a second class citizen. My beliefs are sacred to me.
Me: You're right and I'm sure you remember the 60's and what we all fought for. They wanted to stop whites and blacks from marrying in some states, wasn't that horrible?
Lanire: Damn straight, unconscionable.
Me: Yet you want to do the same thing.
Lanire: No I don't!
Me: But if you forbid someone who loves each other from marrying just because of a physical characteristic that's exactly what you are doing. You're taking away the word black and inserting the word gay and trying to pass a law that continues discrimination!
Lanire: But marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman.
Me: Lanire, let's recap. You are a black, churchgoing man who believes in the rights of the individual and believe in the church. Yet, first, you want to allow marriage between a brother and sister. Second, you want to install discrimination into the California Constitution. Third, you want to allow the government to tell the church what it can or cannot do. And fourth, you want to go against the bible and force your beliefs on everyone when the bible clearly states that you're not supposed to.
Lanire: But if you let gays marry then why not brother and sister?
Me: And that's how we started this conversation.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Will Conservative Republicans Accept Sarah Palin As She Is?
On Saturday Night they were "Live From New York!"
Sarah Palin showed up this past Saturday for Saturday Night Live along with other celebrities. When a Baldwin informed Tina Fey that "The real one" was there she told the audience "bye"... or maybe not. She could have been precognitient. Is it possible that, unwittingly, Tina Fey said, "bi"? The next few seconds were very telling as frame by frame passed.
"Oh my God!" said my friend, Amanda, "Did Sarah Palin just check out Tina Fey's tits and ass?!"
A frame "bi" frame review would seem to indicate that it was true.
I brought the footage to a body language expert to get his take on the incident. Dr. Frederick VonFakendoc of the Derfalsenberg Institute on Body Investigative and Type Correlative Humanity reviewed it and gave me his thoughts on each frame and the subconscious thoughts of the Id. He said, "The Id is filled with energy reaching it from the instincts, but it has no organization, produces no collective will, but only a striving to bring about the satisfaction of the instinctual needs subject to the observance of the pleasure principle." I asked for a more layman type of explanation. He went frame by frame and discussed the deep subconscious feelings that Sarah Palin was holding as well as those of Tina Fey.

"Frames 1 through 5 show the uncontrollable urge of Governor Palin to look at Ms Fey's breasts. Between frames 1, 2 and 3, Ms Fey realizes that the Governor has begun staring and by frame 4 it is outwardly manifested with the beginnings of a smile."

"By frame 5 it has turned into a full smile and in 6 Ms Fey is struggling to hold in her pleasure at the thought of another woman being sexually attracted to her. Mind you, even though the Governor fixates for a full 12 or more frames, it is still the subconscious Id at work. Ms Fey is more aware of her camera surroundings and her Ego keeps her from the blatant fixation as that of the Governors because the Ego is what controls the Id from manifesting itself to the conscious world."

"Frames 10, 11 and 12 show Tina Fey struggling. Her Ego has forced her teeth to grit under the pressure of her Id to get out because subconsciously her Id is very aware that the Governor's eyes are still fixated on her breasts. The Body language of the Governor is very telling in these few frames in that her Id is completely controlling her movements. She slows down as Ms Fey passes so her Id's pleasure center can get more pleasure."
I asked, What does that mean?
The Doctor said, "The longer she is in front of her, the more time she has to view her breasts. As Ms Fey does the actual passing, the Governor actually leans back to get more of a glimpse."

"By frames 20 and 21, as Ms Fey begins looking back, the Governors Id again manifests itself as she licks her lips while staring at Ms Fey's hind end. The Governor literally 'stops in her tracks' from frames 18 to 21 to satisfy her Id's pleasure center. And by frame 23 Ms Fey is completely subconsciously aware that she was ogled which also gives her Id and pleasure center much pleasure."

"In frames 22 and 23 there is the tell-tale sign of the Governor's Id's imagination as she looks down in an attempt to put all that she has seen into an image of Ms Fey nude so she can again satisfy her pleasure center."
I asked, Doesn't she know?
The Doctor said, "They are both unaware of their outward manifestations because the Super-ego will not allow them to be aware. You see, Ms Fey does not want to feel pleasure from the Governor because she doesn't believe in her ideals and the Governor does not want to feel pleasure from another woman because she fears that her peers will push her away. Yet she's obviously attracted to the same sex."
I then asked, Are you saying that the Republican Party would reject the Governor if they knew of her true lesbian or bi feelings?
"I wouldn't want to put words in their mouths and the Id, Ego and Super-ego of the Republican Party is really entirely to complex and unusual for me to comment on unless I had a few years to study the complexities."
I thanked the Doctor for his insight and left.
The question still remains. Are the Republicans willing to accept and outwardly bisexual Vice President in Sarah Palin? The past would indicate an obvious NO. But the past would also indicate that an unwed pregnant daughter of a candidate would also cause concern among the Republican Party. So I guess now I really understand why the Doctor said, "... the Republican Party is really entirely too complex and unusual..." because they contradict themselves on every flip and flop.
Though this is all based in true Freudian psychology I'm sure you should look closely at the name Doctor Frederick VonFakendoc from the institute D.I. B.I.T.C.H. and ask yourself, "How many grains of salt should I take with this article"?
On the other hand. Video doesn't lie.
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