Thursday, September 6, 2007

Michael Vick and Other Dogs of War.

On Michael Vick I wanted to bring to every ones attention what happened and to whom he is so similar.
For dogs who didn't or couldn't perform he was involved in:
1. Hanging them from trees until dead. Those who survived were drowned.
2. Strangulation
3. Gunshot to the head.
4. Soaking in water then electrocuting.
5. Slamming to the ground to break and kill.
6. And finally using
"a "rape stand," a device in which a female dog who is too aggressive to submit to males for breeding is strapped down with her head held in place by a restraint".

It can't really get worse than that except to say that he did this to make money. He put up some very precious lives so he could add to his coffers! Ooops, (cough) did I say coffers?
Personally, I think Michael Vick should do his entire prison term with no clothes in a rape stand for the other prisoners relaxation but that's just me.


There was a memory tugging at the base of my brain. Why did this sound so familiar?

Oh, that's right. A certain administration that we all know has been doing the same thing with humans!!!

Too be perfectly honest, I almost find it less disgusting than what Michael Vick did but we should recap anyway. Oooh, let's do it the fun way by comparing it directly to what Michael Vick did.

1. Hanging them from trees until dead. Those who survived were drowned.

Technically, I cannot find when we actually hung someone... Except for that time when we invaded a sovereign country for no truthful reason then gave up the leader who was hanged. And, of course, his co defenders were hanged. One was hanged enough to have his head popped off. What's really odd is that we put them all in power.

2. Strangulation

Although I could not find strangulation, I found that some prisoners had their throats cut at Abu Ghraib. In Guantanamo Bay, 23 prisoners found their detention so unsettling they tried to strangle or hang themselves. Something about not having a trial and/or bad conditions.

3. Gunshot to the head.

Oh yeah, plenty of gunshots to the head with many innocents in Iraq. The count could be as high as a million. But give the president time, he could beat that number. Don't forget, Pat Tillman, our own soldier, may have been hit by not-so-friendly fire pending the current investigation.

4. Soaking in water then electrocuting.

Anyone remember that picture of that guy holding wires and standing on a box at Abu Ghraib? Or how about the one who had clamps on his testicles with electric current?

5. Slamming to the ground to break and kill.

Or maybe beating prisoners with batons or slamming them against walls hard enough to open three inch gashes? Or maybe beating them about the knees or face until dead?

6. And finally using
"a "rape stand," a device in which a female dog who is too aggressive to submit to males for breeding is strapped down with her head held in place by a restraint".

Boys, women, children and full grown men were raped by soldiers and/or their batons. They were also forced to masturbate and forced to have sex with each other.

I would love to tell you all the other horrors of the Bush administration and their (in some cases, worse than) Hitleresque ways but I don't want to give any future Michael Vicks any more ideas.