At this point it's looking pretty grim. Since Bush's appointment to the presidency the US Dollar has fallen to about 63% of its previous value. Mind you, there are different ways to calculate this but we need to start somewhere.
When Bush was appointed the DOW was about 10,400. Today, after the most recent tumble, it is about 10,600(down 2,350 points from just a years ago) and still plunging.
Now let us compare the two when you take into consideration US Dollar value.
Under 7,000 points. Meaning, if you had invested $100,000.00 in the DOW in December of 2000 and then took into consideration the stock market rise and the devalued dollar then you would now have $63,000.00 simply because the Republicans made you believe stock VALUE was going up for 7.5 years when only the price was. All that time, the actual value had decreased compared to the rest of the world on average unless you invested in Gold or the Euro(which I suggested to all my investing friends in 2000 seeing who was going into the White House - they didn't listen being they were right-wingers and I couldn't know anything).
So now let us look at it all...
If you were poor, you're poorer
If you were rich, you still are but you're a poorer rich.
Please look at my October 9th, 2007 blog for another chart of importance.
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