Thursday, November 6, 2008

LANIRE... The Follow-Up


He went ahead and sinned anyway. He was thinking of not voting at all so there wouldn't be a problem but he changed his mind in the voting booth and voted yes on prop 8. I'm a minority but not black so I cannot really comment on why he did it - but I will anyway.

Lanire is black and should have realized that this was the same as an attempt at banning marriage between blacks and whites in the 60s. His family took the religion of their enslavers and learned to hate from it. But it may or may not have been his fault. Instead it may be the fault of his Baptist minister in South Central for telling him how to think. I did ask Lanire to go to his minister and ask which sin was worse. He said he would but he did not.

Now I have to rethink my friendship. Lanire is good in many ways but I don't know whether or not I should overlook this.

This election could have meant. "OBAMA IS THE NEW PRESIDENT ELECT!" with all caps and an exclamation point but with the passage of prop 8 it's only, "Obama is the new president elect." with a period.

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