No, not the "good right arm".
Remember all those times you, as a fine progressive, said that Rupert Murdoch and Fox News were the Joseph Goebbels of the Republican spin machine? Now there's proof... Well, alleged proof of what we all suspect.
Judith Regan has filed a 100 million dollar lawsuit against News Corp. and others on Tuesday alleging she was asked by officials at News Corp. to lie to federal investigators so that they could further their political agenda. Apparently, Judith Regan had an affair with Police Commisioner Bernard Kerik - yes, the Bernard Kerik that recommended by Giuliani for a possition at Homeland Security and then was nominated by GW Bush for Homeland Security Secretary. News Corp. allegedly wanted to protect Rudy from bad publicity.
At this point I think we can safely use this to request that News Corp. lose their license and that those executives be thrown in prison for a very, very long time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
When NAFTA happened we thought it would create jobs because that's what the Republicans said... Well color me stupid!
They're trying to do it again. Trying to convince Americans that expanding free trade(not 'fair trade') will give us good jobs. "When trade expands, American workers gain," the president said, and, "More exports support better and higher-paying jobs," and "And to keep our economy expanding, we need to keep expanding trade."
You notice how he says "keep our economy expanding"? That means BIG business that make money in each country they're based. He says nothing about the dwindling middle class or the poor. The only thing this does is increase the value of vaseline because that's what the poor and middle class are going to need when they get bent over. But the president doesn't mind, vaseline is a petroleum based product. That means the oil companies make more money.
Bush said, "I know many Americans feel uneasy about new competition and worry that trade will cost jobs, so the federal government is providing substantial funding for trade adjustment assistance that helps Americans make the transition from one job to the next. We are working to improve federal job-training programs. And we are providing strong support for America's community colleges, where people of any age can go to learn new skills for a better, high-paying career."
Good, I'm going to need some job training on how I should wait tables or flip burgers at MickyD's or make coffee at Coffee Bean(I'd rather starve to death than work at Starbucks).
Call your representative immediately and tell them, "I'm tired of being raped by this administration! Please stop any trade deal the President backs!"
They're trying to do it again. Trying to convince Americans that expanding free trade(not 'fair trade') will give us good jobs. "When trade expands, American workers gain," the president said, and, "More exports support better and higher-paying jobs," and "And to keep our economy expanding, we need to keep expanding trade."
You notice how he says "keep our economy expanding"? That means BIG business that make money in each country they're based. He says nothing about the dwindling middle class or the poor. The only thing this does is increase the value of vaseline because that's what the poor and middle class are going to need when they get bent over. But the president doesn't mind, vaseline is a petroleum based product. That means the oil companies make more money.
Bush said, "I know many Americans feel uneasy about new competition and worry that trade will cost jobs, so the federal government is providing substantial funding for trade adjustment assistance that helps Americans make the transition from one job to the next. We are working to improve federal job-training programs. And we are providing strong support for America's community colleges, where people of any age can go to learn new skills for a better, high-paying career."
Good, I'm going to need some job training on how I should wait tables or flip burgers at MickyD's or make coffee at Coffee Bean(I'd rather starve to death than work at Starbucks).
Call your representative immediately and tell them, "I'm tired of being raped by this administration! Please stop any trade deal the President backs!"
ROHRABACHER'S RANT - Slightly Hypocritical!
Imagine being imprisoned and tortured for two years for something you didn't do. Now imagine not being allowed to know what you are accused of or to go to court to clear your name.
U.S. lawmakers offered apologies Thursday to Canadian citizen, Maher Arar, who was sent to Syria by U.S. counter terrorism officials, where he was imprisoned and tortured.
Lawmakers from both parties called on the Bush administration to apologize to the software engineer who is still barred from entering the United States even though the Canadian government has cleared him of any links to terrorist groups.
An administration official said she was not aware of any plans for the White House to issue an apology to Arar.
Arar had told the House of Representatives Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees about his horrible experience by video link. He said, "The America I see and hear about today is not the same America I admired when I lived there from 1999 to 2001.
California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said, "Our country made a mistake and has been unwilling to own up to it, it reflects an arrogance I don't like to see in our government."
It's a little odd that Dana Rohrabacher became vocal this way when you consider that he voted YES on the Military Commissions Act(s 3930) which left it up to the sociopathic president George Bush to define what interrogation techniques outside those barred by the Geneva Conventions are still permissible. It also would legally immunize CIA officers who may have engaged in activity characterized as torture. The bill goes on to bar non-American citizens from protesting their imprisonment if the president designates them as “enemy combatants.”
He also voted NO to not show his support for Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) effort to ban cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees held by U.S. forces and to require the military to follow the Army field manual for interrogations(H R 2863).
The White House was resistant to any constraints on its ability to wage the war on terrorism. Initially President Bush threatened a veto. However, following a brief public clash with McCain, who had support of a veto-proof majority in the House, the White House relented and threw its support behind the bill. In a small compromise McCain agreed to add two paragraphs giving civilian interrogators legal protections that were only previously extended to military interrogators. The president signed the bill into law on Dec. 30, 2005.
At the time of this post I am still awaiting a response from Dana Rohrabacher's representative as to why he would come out publicly for apologizing yet still back torture and indefinite detention.
Rohrabacher's voting records on these and other bills can be viewed in the link below.
Washington Post link.
U.S. lawmakers offered apologies Thursday to Canadian citizen, Maher Arar, who was sent to Syria by U.S. counter terrorism officials, where he was imprisoned and tortured.
Lawmakers from both parties called on the Bush administration to apologize to the software engineer who is still barred from entering the United States even though the Canadian government has cleared him of any links to terrorist groups.
An administration official said she was not aware of any plans for the White House to issue an apology to Arar.
Arar had told the House of Representatives Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees about his horrible experience by video link. He said, "The America I see and hear about today is not the same America I admired when I lived there from 1999 to 2001.
California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said, "Our country made a mistake and has been unwilling to own up to it, it reflects an arrogance I don't like to see in our government."
It's a little odd that Dana Rohrabacher became vocal this way when you consider that he voted YES on the Military Commissions Act(s 3930) which left it up to the sociopathic president George Bush to define what interrogation techniques outside those barred by the Geneva Conventions are still permissible. It also would legally immunize CIA officers who may have engaged in activity characterized as torture. The bill goes on to bar non-American citizens from protesting their imprisonment if the president designates them as “enemy combatants.”
He also voted NO to not show his support for Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) effort to ban cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees held by U.S. forces and to require the military to follow the Army field manual for interrogations(H R 2863).
The White House was resistant to any constraints on its ability to wage the war on terrorism. Initially President Bush threatened a veto. However, following a brief public clash with McCain, who had support of a veto-proof majority in the House, the White House relented and threw its support behind the bill. In a small compromise McCain agreed to add two paragraphs giving civilian interrogators legal protections that were only previously extended to military interrogators. The president signed the bill into law on Dec. 30, 2005.
At the time of this post I am still awaiting a response from Dana Rohrabacher's representative as to why he would come out publicly for apologizing yet still back torture and indefinite detention.
Rohrabacher's voting records on these and other bills can be viewed in the link below.
Washington Post link.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Administration Is Just Not Bad Enough!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The Current Undercurrent of the Republican Party.
For several years now I've been working to change Republican's views on the Republican Party. The best way to show them the way is to tell them what's important about the party. When I get in a discussion or argument about politics I explain who I am - an Independent with views based in both Party's traditions. I talk about what's going on in the Republican Party and why the current administration is NOT Republican. My tag that I use constantly starts out as a bait. When they pounce and say something like "Do you have a problem with Republicans"? I come back and say something along the line of, "Quite contrary. I love Republicans and if there were any in the current administration, I'd be very happy".
Most recently, Tony Snow was being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly and said something that I had been saying for years now and I was shocked to hear it from him.
"The Republican Party's fallen off the rails. It's forgotten about fiscal discipline, it's forgotten about the importance of liberty--"
Let us look at where the Republican Party has faltered from the traditional Party values.
1. Abortion - Roe v. Wade has absolutely nothing to do with abortion. If you read the actual wording, it explains that government can NOT tell you what to do with your body. If it gets overturned, that's a slippery slope that could put us all in confinement. Traditionally the Republican Party has been vociferous in its belief that government should stay out of peoples lives. The religious Reich has been instrumental in altering this belief which brings up another Republican tradition that's gone awry. Since when has the Republican Party EVER believed that the church should tell them what to do. That's contrary to all the Republican traditional values as well as the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
2. Spying on US Citizens - Bush is certainly not the first and likely won't be the last. Since Nixon, the Republicans have decided that taking away our privacy is okay provided it's for a good reason. Again, the thing about "government should stay out of peoples lives". Why would any Republican allow this.
3. Big Business and Trickle Down(supply side) Economics - Let's face it, and Republicans aren't going to like this. The only thing that trickles down in supply side economics is what trickled down Ronald Reagan's leg as well as his big business buddy's legs. The Republican's base was always the blue collar worker and unions but over the years it has begun to side with big business and has begun to screw the unions. That, my Republican friends, is not Republican values!
Ronald Reagan found that "trickle down" didn't work so he asked Alan Greenspan what to do. Alan Greenspan told him to borrow from social security and it will never show up since it's a separate set of books. The Republicans have been trying to cover up the damage ever since by saying management of social security is causing it to go bankrupt when in actuality it was the fiscal irresponsibility of the New(Republican) Deal that screwed the economy. Fiscal responsibility was always a Republican value until Reaganomics. Bush has taken it to new levels with a trillion dollars for this "six day" war.
I could harp on lost Republican economic values but it would take all day. I liken the current economic situation to a body builder who goes into the gym and works his right bicep for 7 years while the rest of his body turns to fat. He can no longer climb stairs because his heart muscle is nearly dead. In this case, the heart is composed of working Americans and the middle class. In the mean time the current administration keeps saying, "check out my bicep. Nice huh"?
In the 90's, the Republican congress pushed through "free trade" instead of "fair trade" which helped the rest of the world and big business but not America. They should be wearing their American Flag lapel pins upside down for pulling crap like that.
4. The Environment - When big business became the focus of the Republican party it lost an important value. The gun lobby has always been very powerful. I hunted with my father as a child. I was even a Scout - Both Republican bases always. Now the Republican party has sided with big business to destroy the land I used to hunt on. The land I used to camp on. It has taken what belonged to The People and given it to big business and allowed big business to manage it to within an inch of its life. Teddy Roosevelt is rolling in his grave. Why wouldn't a conservative want to conserve the environment. What good are guns if you have no where to use them but the streets. For big business, the current "Republican" Party has shot the gun lobby in the back yet they haven't even realized it.
5. Immigration - I had always backed the Republican Party on this until now. The traditional ideal wasn't racist. It just stated that allowing too much immigration would hurt middle America and the blue collar base. It's odd when you look at a true traditionalist Republican because the Republican Party was founded by a lawyer who was against slavery. Now, Lincoln has been spinning in his grave because the previous time before the early seventies when the Republicans lost their base they convinced Americans that the reason America was was going through bad times was because of those other races. They used fear back then too. But then, it wasn't the terrorists who threatened America's way of life, it was those others. Middle America bit hard on that bait and they've been dangling on the line ever since.
By the way. The next time any Republican complains that we shouldn't allow a trial lawyer like John Edwards to be President, remind him or her that the Republican Party was started by a trial lawyer and that they should probably seek out their own traditional values.
These are but a few traditional Party values that have been lost that are the stumps of the trunk of the former tree that grew from them.
When the Republican Party was losing their base they sold their soul to the devil and the biggest business of them all - the church, in hopes to revive their Party. The traditional Republican Party has slit their own throats in trying to get big money fast from big business to support their fledgling party. Their base is now the top two percent earners of the country. As the former base, those 23 percenters, begin to dissolve from the Republican Party, it will lay writhing on on the floor until that last drop of tradition falls from their self inflicted wound.
Nothing is more true than what Bush 43 said now 2 years ago, "We'll stand down when they stand up." No one was aware that he was speaking of the Republican Party of which he claims to belong. When some true Republicans stand up against this administration the Party will be saved but I fear it's too late.
Most recently, Tony Snow was being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly and said something that I had been saying for years now and I was shocked to hear it from him.
"The Republican Party's fallen off the rails. It's forgotten about fiscal discipline, it's forgotten about the importance of liberty--"
Let us look at where the Republican Party has faltered from the traditional Party values.
1. Abortion - Roe v. Wade has absolutely nothing to do with abortion. If you read the actual wording, it explains that government can NOT tell you what to do with your body. If it gets overturned, that's a slippery slope that could put us all in confinement. Traditionally the Republican Party has been vociferous in its belief that government should stay out of peoples lives. The religious Reich has been instrumental in altering this belief which brings up another Republican tradition that's gone awry. Since when has the Republican Party EVER believed that the church should tell them what to do. That's contrary to all the Republican traditional values as well as the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
2. Spying on US Citizens - Bush is certainly not the first and likely won't be the last. Since Nixon, the Republicans have decided that taking away our privacy is okay provided it's for a good reason. Again, the thing about "government should stay out of peoples lives". Why would any Republican allow this.
3. Big Business and Trickle Down(supply side) Economics - Let's face it, and Republicans aren't going to like this. The only thing that trickles down in supply side economics is what trickled down Ronald Reagan's leg as well as his big business buddy's legs. The Republican's base was always the blue collar worker and unions but over the years it has begun to side with big business and has begun to screw the unions. That, my Republican friends, is not Republican values!
Ronald Reagan found that "trickle down" didn't work so he asked Alan Greenspan what to do. Alan Greenspan told him to borrow from social security and it will never show up since it's a separate set of books. The Republicans have been trying to cover up the damage ever since by saying management of social security is causing it to go bankrupt when in actuality it was the fiscal irresponsibility of the New(Republican) Deal that screwed the economy. Fiscal responsibility was always a Republican value until Reaganomics. Bush has taken it to new levels with a trillion dollars for this "six day" war.
I could harp on lost Republican economic values but it would take all day. I liken the current economic situation to a body builder who goes into the gym and works his right bicep for 7 years while the rest of his body turns to fat. He can no longer climb stairs because his heart muscle is nearly dead. In this case, the heart is composed of working Americans and the middle class. In the mean time the current administration keeps saying, "check out my bicep. Nice huh"?
In the 90's, the Republican congress pushed through "free trade" instead of "fair trade" which helped the rest of the world and big business but not America. They should be wearing their American Flag lapel pins upside down for pulling crap like that.
4. The Environment - When big business became the focus of the Republican party it lost an important value. The gun lobby has always been very powerful. I hunted with my father as a child. I was even a Scout - Both Republican bases always. Now the Republican party has sided with big business to destroy the land I used to hunt on. The land I used to camp on. It has taken what belonged to The People and given it to big business and allowed big business to manage it to within an inch of its life. Teddy Roosevelt is rolling in his grave. Why wouldn't a conservative want to conserve the environment. What good are guns if you have no where to use them but the streets. For big business, the current "Republican" Party has shot the gun lobby in the back yet they haven't even realized it.
5. Immigration - I had always backed the Republican Party on this until now. The traditional ideal wasn't racist. It just stated that allowing too much immigration would hurt middle America and the blue collar base. It's odd when you look at a true traditionalist Republican because the Republican Party was founded by a lawyer who was against slavery. Now, Lincoln has been spinning in his grave because the previous time before the early seventies when the Republicans lost their base they convinced Americans that the reason America was was going through bad times was because of those other races. They used fear back then too. But then, it wasn't the terrorists who threatened America's way of life, it was those others. Middle America bit hard on that bait and they've been dangling on the line ever since.
By the way. The next time any Republican complains that we shouldn't allow a trial lawyer like John Edwards to be President, remind him or her that the Republican Party was started by a trial lawyer and that they should probably seek out their own traditional values.
These are but a few traditional Party values that have been lost that are the stumps of the trunk of the former tree that grew from them.
When the Republican Party was losing their base they sold their soul to the devil and the biggest business of them all - the church, in hopes to revive their Party. The traditional Republican Party has slit their own throats in trying to get big money fast from big business to support their fledgling party. Their base is now the top two percent earners of the country. As the former base, those 23 percenters, begin to dissolve from the Republican Party, it will lay writhing on on the floor until that last drop of tradition falls from their self inflicted wound.
Nothing is more true than what Bush 43 said now 2 years ago, "We'll stand down when they stand up." No one was aware that he was speaking of the Republican Party of which he claims to belong. When some true Republicans stand up against this administration the Party will be saved but I fear it's too late.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Blind Taste Test
Today I found something to "Wiki-edit" when I was reading this article. Oddly, it was something that may help the Rebublicans in 2008. Apparently, in a Zogby International “blind bio” poll, conducted Sept. 6-10, 2007, it showed that S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., a longtime conservative now serving as the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, is preferred by about as many Republican voters nationwide as Republican frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson.
(In a blind bio poll, the names of the candidates are not used, but are replaced with brief descriptions of each candidate’s biographies.)
When likely voting respondents were given brief biographical descriptions of the top GOP candidates, along with the biography of Casscells, Giulani and Thompson each won 19% support, while Casscells won 18%. Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, won 13% support, Arizona Sen. John McCain won 11% and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won 10%. The survey carries a margin of error of 5.8 percentage points.
It should be known, however, that in 2004 S. Ward Casscells III, M.D. established the UT-Zogby poll on health issues.
It seems it would be odd that when likely Republican voters are given blind information, it makes them think. Could you imagine how good this guy would do if people actually heard of him?
Now I looked at the bio of S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., and liked most everything I read about him except for one thing in wikipedia... "President George W. Bush announced on February 22, 2007 his intention to nominate S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., vice president for biotechnology at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)." And that is his current job.
When the other shoe drops, it's going to make a dent. What could the Republicans be planning now?
(In a blind bio poll, the names of the candidates are not used, but are replaced with brief descriptions of each candidate’s biographies.)
When likely voting respondents were given brief biographical descriptions of the top GOP candidates, along with the biography of Casscells, Giulani and Thompson each won 19% support, while Casscells won 18%. Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, won 13% support, Arizona Sen. John McCain won 11% and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won 10%. The survey carries a margin of error of 5.8 percentage points.
It should be known, however, that in 2004 S. Ward Casscells III, M.D. established the UT-Zogby poll on health issues.
It seems it would be odd that when likely Republican voters are given blind information, it makes them think. Could you imagine how good this guy would do if people actually heard of him?
Now I looked at the bio of S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., and liked most everything I read about him except for one thing in wikipedia... "President George W. Bush announced on February 22, 2007 his intention to nominate S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., vice president for biotechnology at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)." And that is his current job.
When the other shoe drops, it's going to make a dent. What could the Republicans be planning now?
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Michael Vick and Other Dogs of War.
On Michael Vick I wanted to bring to every ones attention what happened and to whom he is so similar.
For dogs who didn't or couldn't perform he was involved in:
1. Hanging them from trees until dead. Those who survived were drowned.
2. Strangulation
3. Gunshot to the head.
4. Soaking in water then electrocuting.
5. Slamming to the ground to break and kill.
6. And finally using "a "rape stand," a device in which a female dog who is too aggressive to submit to males for breeding is strapped down with her head held in place by a restraint".
It can't really get worse than that except to say that he did this to make money. He put up some very precious lives so he could add to his coffers! Ooops, (cough) did I say coffers?
Personally, I think Michael Vick should do his entire prison term with no clothes in a rape stand for the other prisoners relaxation but that's just me.
There was a memory tugging at the base of my brain. Why did this sound so familiar?
Oh, that's right. A certain administration that we all know has been doing the same thing with humans!!!
Too be perfectly honest, I almost find it less disgusting than what Michael Vick did but we should recap anyway. Oooh, let's do it the fun way by comparing it directly to what Michael Vick did.
1. Hanging them from trees until dead. Those who survived were drowned.
Technically, I cannot find when we actually hung someone... Except for that time when we invaded a sovereign country for no truthful reason then gave up the leader who was hanged. And, of course, his co defenders were hanged. One was hanged enough to have his head popped off. What's really odd is that we put them all in power.
2. Strangulation
Although I could not find strangulation, I found that some prisoners had their throats cut at Abu Ghraib. In Guantanamo Bay, 23 prisoners found their detention so unsettling they tried to strangle or hang themselves. Something about not having a trial and/or bad conditions.
3. Gunshot to the head.
Oh yeah, plenty of gunshots to the head with many innocents in Iraq. The count could be as high as a million. But give the president time, he could beat that number. Don't forget, Pat Tillman, our own soldier, may have been hit by not-so-friendly fire pending the current investigation.
4. Soaking in water then electrocuting.
Anyone remember that picture of that guy holding wires and standing on a box at Abu Ghraib? Or how about the one who had clamps on his testicles with electric current?
5. Slamming to the ground to break and kill.
Or maybe beating prisoners with batons or slamming them against walls hard enough to open three inch gashes? Or maybe beating them about the knees or face until dead?
6. And finally using "a "rape stand," a device in which a female dog who is too aggressive to submit to males for breeding is strapped down with her head held in place by a restraint".
Boys, women, children and full grown men were raped by soldiers and/or their batons. They were also forced to masturbate and forced to have sex with each other.
I would love to tell you all the other horrors of the Bush administration and their (in some cases, worse than) Hitleresque ways but I don't want to give any future Michael Vicks any more ideas.
For dogs who didn't or couldn't perform he was involved in:
1. Hanging them from trees until dead. Those who survived were drowned.
2. Strangulation
3. Gunshot to the head.
4. Soaking in water then electrocuting.
5. Slamming to the ground to break and kill.
6. And finally using "a "rape stand," a device in which a female dog who is too aggressive to submit to males for breeding is strapped down with her head held in place by a restraint".
It can't really get worse than that except to say that he did this to make money. He put up some very precious lives so he could add to his coffers! Ooops, (cough) did I say coffers?
Personally, I think Michael Vick should do his entire prison term with no clothes in a rape stand for the other prisoners relaxation but that's just me.
There was a memory tugging at the base of my brain. Why did this sound so familiar?
Oh, that's right. A certain administration that we all know has been doing the same thing with humans!!!
Too be perfectly honest, I almost find it less disgusting than what Michael Vick did but we should recap anyway. Oooh, let's do it the fun way by comparing it directly to what Michael Vick did.
1. Hanging them from trees until dead. Those who survived were drowned.
Technically, I cannot find when we actually hung someone... Except for that time when we invaded a sovereign country for no truthful reason then gave up the leader who was hanged. And, of course, his co defenders were hanged. One was hanged enough to have his head popped off. What's really odd is that we put them all in power.
2. Strangulation
Although I could not find strangulation, I found that some prisoners had their throats cut at Abu Ghraib. In Guantanamo Bay, 23 prisoners found their detention so unsettling they tried to strangle or hang themselves. Something about not having a trial and/or bad conditions.
3. Gunshot to the head.
Oh yeah, plenty of gunshots to the head with many innocents in Iraq. The count could be as high as a million. But give the president time, he could beat that number. Don't forget, Pat Tillman, our own soldier, may have been hit by not-so-friendly fire pending the current investigation.
4. Soaking in water then electrocuting.
Anyone remember that picture of that guy holding wires and standing on a box at Abu Ghraib? Or how about the one who had clamps on his testicles with electric current?
5. Slamming to the ground to break and kill.
Or maybe beating prisoners with batons or slamming them against walls hard enough to open three inch gashes? Or maybe beating them about the knees or face until dead?
6. And finally using "a "rape stand," a device in which a female dog who is too aggressive to submit to males for breeding is strapped down with her head held in place by a restraint".
Boys, women, children and full grown men were raped by soldiers and/or their batons. They were also forced to masturbate and forced to have sex with each other.
I would love to tell you all the other horrors of the Bush administration and their (in some cases, worse than) Hitleresque ways but I don't want to give any future Michael Vicks any more ideas.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saving The US Economy From Greedy Corporations in Two Easy Steps!
It was so very odd. During my long involved political and economical training (almost non-existent) I learned that the easiest way to fix things was usually with the simplest solutions. For months I've been fighting with myself because the good liberal way was to help the worker. However, I knew that corporations needed that edge when competing with the world - if I help the little guy, the big guy suffers... if I help the big guy, the little guy suffers. The world is a changing place and everyone needs to keep up. Let us look at some facts right in the face.
1. All corporations are looking for that rich American dollar (though it's no longer rich since the current administration has destroyed the economy). Americans buy all sorts of crap.
2. American corporations no longer want to hire Americans(US Citizens) because we want too much money and they need to compete with cheap labor throughout the world.
3. Foreign corporations don't need US Citizens because the have plenty of cheap labor to make those items that we need. This allows them to make monstrous profits while US companies run in place. The downside is US corporations are hobbled from growing as fast as foreign entities that have lower costs.
4. Foreign corporations have an upper hand because they don't have to compete with the US since they pay less than the US for everything. Plus they don't have environmental restrictions or the same laws that hobble US corporations operating in the US.
5. Many foreign countries don't care about US Citizens because they have suppression problems of their own.
6. Our government doesn't care about us because they have worker suppression problems and they're too busy making money.
I may be thinking to simply but hear me out...
The most important fact is number 1. "All corporations are looking for that rich American dollar. Americans buy all sorts of crap."
One change in US law - and please feel free to make variables.
Any corporation wanting to do business with the United States and it's citizens must have 20% of their work force as US citizens working in the United States.
Any corporation wanting to do business with the United States and it's citizens must have a work force of US citizens working in the United States equal to or better than that of the percentage of their business that goes to the United States.
What does this do?
You're thinking, "gosh, 20% isn't much".
But 20% of the world corporations is huge!!!
1. Suddenly, Walmart has to make things in the US. Not a lot, just enough to get them under the wire so they still have cheap stuff(unless you use the "% of their business model").
2. All US companies will have to hire others in the US.
3. Less jobs will be shipped out.
4. Other foreign companies who depend on our buying habits will have to begin competing with US companies on a more level playing field. They have to invest in the US by putting factories here and hiring workers. They are not only hiring workers, they must compete with US companies that have the upper hand and they must offer incentives of money or health care, etc. to entice workers. - Now the little guy's pay increases. Suddenly the playing field of foreign corporations is more equal to the US corporate playing field and they aren't passing US companies in the back stretch since their profits aren't as high.
5. US citizens make more money and buy more making corporations fatter and happier.
6. Those foreign corporations that move to the US have to follow environmental laws. Now, 20% of their manufacturing is not as bad on the environment.
7. There is now so much competition for labor that corporations don't want to suppress workers, they want to make them happy.
There is one draw back with a solution.
-Corporations will try to save money by cutting costs in other ways. - Foreign workers get hurt.
Any corporation wishing to do business with the US and its citizens may only sell items that were made by employees who make a "living wage" for their country based on decisions of "what is a living wage for their country?" by the US.
Corporations can sell their wares here provided they are made in the US or by foreign workers who make a living wage providing that 20% is still made in the US.
1. Items made in the US are more likely to be bought by the US.
2. Foreign workers get a boost.
3. US corporations still have an advantage since they're all here.
4. US corporations that left will have to return(except Haliburton because we don't give a shit about them but may allow them to come back to the US after they pay the 12 billion they 'lost' and the other 200 billion they embezzled).
5. Since foreign corporations have to invest in the US, there will be less chance of war.
You see, corporations seem to be in a race to be THE corporation. "It's not enough that I win, all others must fail". With a few tweeked rules there is competition for everything and nobody wins or loses.
While we're at it, let us bring back the monopoly rules so no corporation can become THE corporation.
1. All corporations are looking for that rich American dollar (though it's no longer rich since the current administration has destroyed the economy). Americans buy all sorts of crap.
2. American corporations no longer want to hire Americans(US Citizens) because we want too much money and they need to compete with cheap labor throughout the world.
3. Foreign corporations don't need US Citizens because the have plenty of cheap labor to make those items that we need. This allows them to make monstrous profits while US companies run in place. The downside is US corporations are hobbled from growing as fast as foreign entities that have lower costs.
4. Foreign corporations have an upper hand because they don't have to compete with the US since they pay less than the US for everything. Plus they don't have environmental restrictions or the same laws that hobble US corporations operating in the US.
5. Many foreign countries don't care about US Citizens because they have suppression problems of their own.
6. Our government doesn't care about us because they have worker suppression problems and they're too busy making money.
I may be thinking to simply but hear me out...
The most important fact is number 1. "All corporations are looking for that rich American dollar. Americans buy all sorts of crap."
One change in US law - and please feel free to make variables.
Any corporation wanting to do business with the United States and it's citizens must have 20% of their work force as US citizens working in the United States.
Any corporation wanting to do business with the United States and it's citizens must have a work force of US citizens working in the United States equal to or better than that of the percentage of their business that goes to the United States.
What does this do?
You're thinking, "gosh, 20% isn't much".
But 20% of the world corporations is huge!!!
1. Suddenly, Walmart has to make things in the US. Not a lot, just enough to get them under the wire so they still have cheap stuff(unless you use the "% of their business model").
2. All US companies will have to hire others in the US.
3. Less jobs will be shipped out.
4. Other foreign companies who depend on our buying habits will have to begin competing with US companies on a more level playing field. They have to invest in the US by putting factories here and hiring workers. They are not only hiring workers, they must compete with US companies that have the upper hand and they must offer incentives of money or health care, etc. to entice workers. - Now the little guy's pay increases. Suddenly the playing field of foreign corporations is more equal to the US corporate playing field and they aren't passing US companies in the back stretch since their profits aren't as high.
5. US citizens make more money and buy more making corporations fatter and happier.
6. Those foreign corporations that move to the US have to follow environmental laws. Now, 20% of their manufacturing is not as bad on the environment.
7. There is now so much competition for labor that corporations don't want to suppress workers, they want to make them happy.
There is one draw back with a solution.
-Corporations will try to save money by cutting costs in other ways. - Foreign workers get hurt.
Any corporation wishing to do business with the US and its citizens may only sell items that were made by employees who make a "living wage" for their country based on decisions of "what is a living wage for their country?" by the US.
Corporations can sell their wares here provided they are made in the US or by foreign workers who make a living wage providing that 20% is still made in the US.
1. Items made in the US are more likely to be bought by the US.
2. Foreign workers get a boost.
3. US corporations still have an advantage since they're all here.
4. US corporations that left will have to return(except Haliburton because we don't give a shit about them but may allow them to come back to the US after they pay the 12 billion they 'lost' and the other 200 billion they embezzled).
5. Since foreign corporations have to invest in the US, there will be less chance of war.
You see, corporations seem to be in a race to be THE corporation. "It's not enough that I win, all others must fail". With a few tweeked rules there is competition for everything and nobody wins or loses.
While we're at it, let us bring back the monopoly rules so no corporation can become THE corporation.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Fox news has yet again confused the issue. This time they showed a video of Rep. John Conyers(D-MI) when refering to indicted Louisiana Democrat William Jefferson. Fox news has a tendency to mix up criminals with honorary men. You may remember when they claimed Mark Foley (R-FL) was a Democrat child molester. They have done it in the past but don't make the same mistake when reporting on Republicans. You may remember CNN confusing Osama for Obama and most would believe that to be an honest mistake. No one believes fox news is making any mistakes. It's like what boxers do - it's the hundreds of little jabs that win fights, not the knock-outs. This was yet another jab at the Democratic party.
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