Friday, October 5, 2007

Blind Taste Test

Today I found something to "Wiki-edit" when I was reading this article. Oddly, it was something that may help the Rebublicans in 2008. Apparently, in a Zogby International “blind bio” poll, conducted Sept. 6-10, 2007, it showed that S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., a longtime conservative now serving as the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, is preferred by about as many Republican voters nationwide as Republican frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson.
(In a blind bio poll, the names of the candidates are not used, but are replaced with brief descriptions of each candidate’s biographies.)

When likely voting respondents were given brief biographical descriptions of the top GOP candidates, along with the biography of Casscells, Giulani and Thompson each won 19% support, while Casscells won 18%. Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, won 13% support, Arizona Sen. John McCain won 11% and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won 10%. The survey carries a margin of error of 5.8 percentage points.

It should be known, however, that in 2004 S. Ward Casscells III, M.D. established the UT-Zogby poll on health issues.

It seems it would be odd that when likely Republican voters are given blind information, it makes them think. Could you imagine how good this guy would do if people actually heard of him?

Now I looked at the bio of S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., and liked most everything I read about him except for one thing in wikipedia... "President George W. Bush announced on February 22, 2007 his intention to nominate S. Ward Casscells III, M.D., vice president for biotechnology at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)." And that is his current job.

When the other shoe drops, it's going to make a dent. What could the Republicans be planning now?

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