Friday, October 19, 2007


When NAFTA happened we thought it would create jobs because that's what the Republicans said... Well color me stupid!
They're trying to do it again. Trying to convince Americans that expanding free trade(not 'fair trade') will give us good jobs. "When trade expands, American workers gain," the president said, and, "More exports support better and higher-paying jobs," and "And to keep our economy expanding, we need to keep expanding trade."
You notice how he says "keep our economy expanding"? That means BIG business that make money in each country they're based. He says nothing about the dwindling middle class or the poor. The only thing this does is increase the value of vaseline because that's what the poor and middle class are going to need when they get bent over. But the president doesn't mind, vaseline is a petroleum based product. That means the oil companies make more money.
Bush said, "I know many Americans feel uneasy about new competition and worry that trade will cost jobs, so the federal government is providing substantial funding for trade adjustment assistance that helps Americans make the transition from one job to the next. We are working to improve federal job-training programs. And we are providing strong support for America's community colleges, where people of any age can go to learn new skills for a better, high-paying career."
Good, I'm going to need some job training on how I should wait tables or flip burgers at MickyD's or make coffee at Coffee Bean(I'd rather starve to death than work at Starbucks).
Call your representative immediately and tell them, "I'm tired of being raped by this administration! Please stop any trade deal the President backs!"

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